Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)

Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).

To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!

Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.

I am an early adopter of scientific MOOCs. I've earned myself four MIT digital diplomas: 7.00x, 7.28x1, 7.28.x2 and 7QBWx. Instructor of 7.00x: Eric Lander PhD.

Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).

I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...

Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.

Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (

"New device can detect cancer or any disease in 10 minutes: UK scientist"

"Experts think it has the potential to save billions of pounds in wasted primary health care costs and wrongly prescribed medicines."

"The gadget can micro-analyse tumours"
"A UK scientist claims to have developed a cheap, hand-held device that detects almost any disease such as TB [tuberculosis], malaria, HIV infection (aids) or cancer in just 10 minutes.
The Q-POC machine, costing 500 UK pounds, can micro-analyse tumours and the genetic signatures of the disease before advising on the best type of drugs to use.
Using his garage in Uckfield, East Sussex, as a makeshift laboratory, 37-year-old Jonathan O'Halloran hit on the ground-breaking idea of releasing DNA within a barely visible sample and making multiple copies to allow an accurate diagnosis, whether cancer mutations exist and which oncology drugs will work best.
The device is undergoing rigorous clinical trials and will be used across the National Health Service (NHS) as early as next year, the 'Daily Express' reported.
The first prototypes are in advanced trials and experts say they have the potential to prolong the lives of newly-diagnosed cancer sufferers and save the lives of millions with infectious diseases.
'We are using the device to extract, amplify and analyse DNA from tumours or other samples to make sure the patient gets a personalised service as soon as possible,' said O'Halloran.
'We see this working alongside histopathologists and clinical oncologists to provide the missing link – a personalised service for cancer sufferers.
'It will also provide rapid diagnosis for TB, malaria, HIV and STIs [sexually transmitted infections], giving doctors key information on which drugs will treat the disease. The idea now is to make these devices available to doctors and health professionals,' he said.
The invention is being developed by British company QuantuMDx Group in partnership with Newcastle University." (Source) 

[Pendant ce temps, la loi française interdit à l'usager de la santé de faire séquençer son génome. Cela va être rappelé aux journées de l'Agence de la biomédecine demain et après-demain à Paris. Putain, la honte...]

[L’Agence de la biomédecine a le plaisir de vous inviter aux 3ème Journées de l’Agence de la biomédecine jeudi 30 et vendredi 31 mai 2013, Université Paris Descartes, Paris (source)]